Key Considerations to Make When Choosing a Fence for Your Residential Pool

Pools without fences are a major cause of drowning accidents at home because they allow unrestricted access to the pool section. Installing a fence around your pool helps to improve pool safety by providing a physical barrier that keeps unsupervised kids out of the pool.

That said, a pool fence can be more than just a safety addition to your home. It is a feature that can add privacy and also impact the esthetic appeal of your home, so it important to choose yours wisely.

Many different types of pool fences exist for you to choose from. Reviewing the following factors can help you choose the right fence for your pool.

The type of pool installation you have

Is your pool a temporary or permanent structure? If your pool is a permanent installation, it'll need a permanent fence to go with it. If it's temporary, then there's no need to invest in a permanent fence, thus a temporary fence is ideal.

The type of fencing material you want to use

Pool fencing is available in a wide selection of materials. Some of the most widely used fencing materials for pool areas include, but are not limited to, wood, glass, wrought iron, aluminum, steel, vinyl, composite, and more.

Each pool fencing material has unique features, pros, and cons that you should review before making a final decision on which material to use. Choose a fencing material that best suits your needs in terms of strength, durability, maintenance, esthetics, budget, and more.

The design of your pool fence

Like it or not, the design of your pool fence will affect the general look and feel of your home's exterior environment. For that reason, it's important to choose a design that suits the style of your home.

Metal fences such as ornamental iron will give your home an industrial look while adding a contemporary feel to it. Traditional fence types like wooden picket fences are great for privacy while exuding rustic charm in your yard.

Local fencing regulations

Pool fencing laws that apply to your pool fencing installation are specific to the area you live in. Before choosing any kind of fence, check with your local building codes to see which types of fences are allowed or not allowed in your area.

If you need professional help with choosing the right fence for your residential pool, feel free to consult a pool contractor near you.
