3 Reasons To Buy A Custom Winter Swimming Pool Cover

While standard winter swimming pool covers work well on many pools, there are times when a custom-made product is a better option. When might you need to have a cover made?

1. Standard Covers Are Too Big 

If you can't find a standard cover that exactly meets the dimensions of your swimming pool, then you'll need to buy one that is bigger than you need. You can't go smaller here. If a cover is too small, it won't do an effective job.

Problem is, larger covers might also go over other parts of your yard. For example, they'll stretch over the pool, but they might cover parts of your lawn.

If a cover sits over parts of a lawn, then it could affect your grass. The grass might die down or get discolored.

Plus, if the grass grows under the cover, then it could push it up off the ground. Even small gaps could give animals enough room to get to your pool; leaves and dirt might blow into the water.

A custom-made cover is just the right size for the job. It will cover your pool tightly without encroaching on other parts of your yard.

2. Standard Covers Don't Fit Irregular Shapes

Standard winter pool covers are designed to fit standard pool shapes as well as sizes. If your pool is an unusual shape, then you'll struggle to find a cover to fit it. Again, you'll end up with a cover that is larger than the pool. If your pool has curves or narrow areas, then the cover will extend too far.

If you buy a custom-made cover, then your supplier works to the exact shape of your pool. You'll get a precise fit.

3. Standard Covers Won't Work on Special Features

If you have added features on or around your pool, then you can't usually use a standard winter cover. These covers are made to fit basic pools.

So, if you have a slide, diving board, water feature, protruding steps, or adjoining hot tub, then you won't be able to find a standard cover that will go over everything. These covers only go over flat surfaces.

A custom cover is the best option here. Your supplier can design a cover that fits snugly and precisely over your pool and any of its features. You get full and secure coverage.

To get started, contact swimming pool equipment suppliers and ask about their custom swimming pool cover options.
