What Are The Advantages Of Saltwater Versus Chlorine Pools?

Chlorine is an effective disinfectant, but it can irritate skin and eyes. Not everyone is sensitive to chlorine exposure, but if you are, then going out to your pool can feel more like an ordeal than a pleasure. If you want a less irritating alternative to chlorine, but you still want your pool to stay free of germs and bacteria, then you should consider installing an electrolytic cell and converting your pool to a saltwater pool. 

An Analysis of Chlorinated Pools

When you use chlorine as a disinfecting agent in your pool, you need to constantly check the levels of the chemicals in your pool to make sure that they stay in the right balance. Thus, you spend a lot of time playing amateur chemist in your backyard as you make adjustments to the chemical content in your pool. Even if you keep the chlorine level in your pool just right, you still have to worry that you or your family might develop a sensitivity to chlorine. The water in your pool may also have a harsh feel and smell. On the other hand, chlorine is one of the most effective bacteria killers on the market, so you should not have to worry about catching diseases from parasites or other organisms living in your pool. 

An Analysis of Saltwater Pools

A saltwater pool uses an electrolytic cell to separate the sodium and chlorine in salt so that the chlorine can be used to kill germs  in your pool. The chlorine that is separated out of the salt is constantly recombining with the sodium, and then separating again once it works its way back to the electrolytic cell. Thus, a saltwater pool is more or less a self-contained unit. The water in a saltwater pool is less irritating, does not smell as much as a chlorine pool, and tends to have a softer feel. On the other hand, saltwater pools cost more upfront. While you should not have to pay as much for chemicals, saltwater pools tend to be harder on wood decking, so there are trade-offs as far as upkeep goes. 

If you are in the market, and you want the least expensive option that money can buy as far as installation costs go, then a chlorine pool is what you are looking for. On the other hand, if you want a pool that will be easier on your eyes and your skin, then you should look into a saltwater pool. Contact a business, such as KC Pool Services for more information.   
