Improving Upon The Safety Of In-Ground Pools For Pets And Children

An in-ground pool is luxurious and entertaining, but it can be dangerous if it isn't properly protected and maintained. If you have pets or children -- or intend on having them eventually -- there are certain steps that you should take to ensure that your pool remains safe.

Install a Fence With a Locking Gate

A fence is the fastest, easiest method of making sure that your pool is safe. With a fence, you can ensure that your children will only go into the pool area when you allow them to. A fence will also prevent pets from potentially falling into the pool and being unable to climb out. Keep the fence locked at all times and keep the key in an area where small children can't reach it. Also remember that the gate should only lock from the outside -- it should always be possible to get from the inside out even without a key. Otherwise someone could be delayed when going for help.

Keep a Floatation Device Available

A floatation device isn't just important for public pools. These devices are much safer than trying to save someone who is struggling -- such as a child who doesn't yet know how to swim. People will instinctively grab onto whatever they can when they're drowning, which includes the person who is trying to save them. Educate your family on the use of these devices and why they are so important.

Make Sure the Pool Can't Be Seen From Outside

This one requires a little explanation. In addition to having a fence, you should make sure that your pool cannot be seen from the road or any other common areas. Otherwise it becomes something called an "attractive nuisance"; something that is attractive enough that children might be compelled to explore it, even if they are not allowed to. If you're deemed to have an attractive nuisance, you could potentially be liable for the injury of neighborhood children who weren't allowed on your property.

Light It Up At Night

Kids and teens love sneaking into pools at night. Make sure your yard is very well lit to both discourage this behavior and give your pool a lovely ambiance. You can even install in-pool lighting for night-time swimming.

If you do make any of the above adjustments, don't forget to contact your homeowner's insurance. You can often get discounts for making your pool safer. For more information about improving upon the safety of in-ground pools, contact your pool contractor.
